Tools for trainings

Below you find some tools available on this website. This is work in progress, so feel free to send some comments or even new tools. I do not claim to have developed all of these tools myself. Sharing of training tools is an important part of nonviolence (training), and wherever possible I have given sources. Apologies if I have missed some - just get in touch, and I add the omitted source(s).



  • provide participants with a theoretical tool to analyse power
  • assists participants in understanding power-with (power together with others) and power-within - a personal sense of power


1. To identify the pillars holding up the power structures we want to overcome.

2. To analyse the pillars with the goal of developing strategies to weaken them.

3. To identify the vulnerability of power structures.

Movement Action Plan


  • provide participants with a theoretical tool to analyse power
  • assists participants in understanding power-with (power together with others) and power-within - a personal sense of power


The Movement Life Line enables participants to identify the rich history of their movement (or a movement chosen as example), and its successes. It can be empowering, as it shows the movement's contribution to it's successes, and additionally the group's involvement in the movement's successes.

The Movement Life Line can later serve as basis for identifying the 8 stages of successful movements (or some of them), and can be used for the development of strategic objectives depending on the stage the movement is in. It can also be used to analyse which of the different roles of activism were involved to what level at the different stages of the movement.


  • to realise that there are several different kinds of activities - roles - within any movement, and that all of them are needed for a movement to be successful;
  • to clarify one's own role(s) within a movement.

Acompanying trans and non-binary students


  • Raising awareness about cis-gender privilege

Gender Identity


  • Raising awareness about cis-gender privilege

Gender Justice


  • Raising awareness about cis-gender privilege


To raise awareness about heteronormatism and discrimination of lgbtq people

Organising for change


To identify the forces and factors contributing to achieving a goal or objective, or which are obstacles that need to be overcome. In the process of developing a strategy, this can help to organise information in such a way as to clarify possible sub-goals/objectives.


The Movement Life Line enables participants to identify the rich history of their movement (or a movement chosen as example), and its successes. It can be empowering, as it shows the movement's contribution to it's successes, and additionally the group's involvement in the movement's successes.

The Movement Life Line can later serve as basis for identifying the 8 stages of successful movements (or some of them), and can be used for the development of strategic objectives depending on the stage the movement is in. It can also be used to analyse which of the different roles of activism were involved to what level at the different stages of the movement.


When defining objectives or goals and developing a strategy, awareness about the different lenses through which people view the world, and the underlying assumptions or belief systems, is important. Our assumptions and world views not only shape the way we see things – and what we see – but also what goals or objectives, and what strategy and tactics might be appropriate.


to analyse the own group or an adversary or ally in more detail in relation to capacities and weaknesses, which helps to strengthen the group